All your events in one place

With eventor you are able to interact with your family and friends from multiple social networks and plan your next professional or personal meetup.

All your events, centralized, in one calendar that keeps all your calendars in sync. This way you only need to update your request one, and it will centralize the events from all sources

Easy control of your agenda starts now!

January 10th, 2024
  1. Review Proposal

    Daniel Scott
    Zoom Call
  2. Catch Up

    Tom Dixon
  3. Dinner

    Lara Vitti
    Texan Grill

Every feature to have control of your agenda

Facilitating the interaction with your social circle, allowing you to have control over your events whithout spending a lot of time in the process. A set of features designed to allow easier management and visibility of changes.

Birthday Dinner
March 9, 2022
Lara Vitti
Daniel Scott
waiting for response
Diogo Stark
on Monday 23rd
Stacy May
waiting for response
Send message to group
Update Event

Real time Notifications

Get a push notification as soon as you receive the confirmations or messages. All you need to stay up to day with the event planning.

Monthly view

Calendar Management

Set up as many calendars as needed (from Google, Outlook, Apple). All your calendars will stay synced with your main calendar hosted in the hub.

Invite people
Get your meeting set faster.
Catch up with Tony
Full name
Tony Wiggin
Email address

Quicker setups

For every friend you invite to meet, it is as simple as selecting them from your list, or providing quickly their details. We will handle the contact information.

Now is the time to get the fun started.

With a list of features specially designed to provice the best of digital experiences, you will notice how easy is it to be on top of your events.

  • Access Anywhere

    Whether you access on your desktop or mobile, you can access your information securely, anytime.

  • Unlimited Calendars and Sync

    Have the possibility to register as many calendars as you need, and setup our calendar sync to keep them up to date.

  • Updates in real-time

    Get notified on all possible event changes and conflicts, to be able to act as soon as the situation needs it.

  • Connected to social networks

    Intect with your contacts from other social network and share updates. Your ageanda is digitally social with us.

  • Encrypted and Secure

    Your information is secured using the most recent technology security standards. Your information is safe and will never leave without your authorization.

  • Personalized recommendations

    Let us suggest you possible options, based on availability of all participants and modules available based on event type.

Get your account today

It takes 30 seconds to sign up. Create your account today and keep updated of the functionalities we will be releasing shortly.

Subscriptions tailored for all needs

Whether you’re trying to have a simple way to set up your events or to handle multiple complex calendars, we have a membership for you.



You need the basics, with unlimited events

  • Unlimited events and calendars
  • Unlimited messaging
  • Real-time notifications
  • Encription at rest and transit
Get started for free



You re ready to add some extra options

  • Unlimited events and calendars
  • Unlimited messaging
  • Real-time notifications
  • Encription at rest and transit
  • Upload documents to your events (limited)
  • Customized event suggestions



You want to experience eventor completely

  • Unlimited events and calendars
  • Unlimited messaging
  • Real-time notifications
  • Encription at rest and transit
  • Unlimited documents uploads to your events
  • Customized event suggestions
  • External Calendar sync
(Available this fall)